Want to go on an international road trip?
Here at Ship Overseas we have many travelers who ship their cars overseas and go on world trips. You’ll be surprised to know this isn’t as expensive as you may expect. We’ll even show you some of the costs. These posts will be written into a series to help you pick which international road trip to go on. This particular post you are reading is to give an introduction. It will serve as an eye opener. Please share this on Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus if you enjoyed this reading.
The countries you will travel through will depend on your budget and the type of vehicle you will be driving. You want to travel in Africa? Better not take a Honda Civic! Want to travel to Central America? Honda Civic is okay. Oh, you want to go to South America? Honda Civic won’t work, but an SUV will.
Major destinations where we ship cars for our customers who are traveling:
Europe – This is the most common place for international road trips. Most people taking a trip to Europe ship their cars from the East Coast. While you can pick up your car at any one of our arrival ports in EU, the cheapest ports are in Germany and Belgium. On the next blog post, we will be writing about road trips through Europe. Here is the post on Europe Road Trip.
Latin America – This is the cheapest place to travel because the US Dollar can stretch a lot further than it can in Europe. Most likely your car can be shipped from any of the major shipping ports. For Central America, popular departure shipping ports in USA are Long Beach, Oakland, Galveston Texas (near Houston), Miami, and Newark. We will also write about road trips in Latin America after the Europe post.
Africa – Most people who road trip to Africa go to a South African safari, Nigeria or Ghana. We will write about road tripping through South Africa because it’s more common. Read more information about shipping cars to Nigeria here.
Destinations where we ship to, but the traveling customer doesn’t go there:
Australia – The primary reason we ship cars to Australia is because someone is moving or bought a classic car over the internet. Also, Australia has the steering wheel on the right hand side.
Asia – Same as Australia, steering wheel is on the right. The costs are to ship cars to Asia and back are very expensive and make road trips not worth it.
Middle East – Just too far for many people. Most of our shipments there are for permanent imports.
So stay tuned, there will be 3 more posts talking about 1) Round Trip Road Trips to Europe from USA 2) Round Trip Road Trips to Latin America from USA (this one will be fun) 3) Round Trip Road Trips to South Africa from USA.